Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000102]
How to promote products through varied promotion method?

Dear AXIS, For eBay/Lazada/shopee 1. I would like to learn the promotion tricks to boost my sales. I attached some of the tricks that I read in Lazada/shopee. 2. Besides, I want to know the Strategies to boost my sales during campaign or normal day :- 2.1 How to make my products shine? 2.2 How to enhance Business strategy? 2.3 How to understand benchmark against competitors prices and provide special promotions? 2.4 How to reach intended and targeted audience by voucher? 2.5 How to promote products thru bundled package 2.6 How to raise awareness to the right target? Kindly advise on the above strategies. We may speak on the phone on how to apply the strategies Thanks. Regards sephine


Dear Sephine,

As per discussed, we will have a session with you on 4/11/2020 (wed), 11am. Kindly prepare and see you. Thank you.

Dear AXIS Support,
On 4.11.2020, we have not covered the above Marketing strategies, Pls advise how to set and apply each marketing tool attached in the above.


Dear Sephine,

Will arrange a session with Trainer to learn to apply marketing tool.
I shall update you the slot and time available. TQ.

Dear Sephine,

As per whatsapp conversation in admin phone number, you will have a session with trainer. You can ask any questions regarding to sales in Shopee, Lazada, eBay. Also above Questions too.

Session time as below :

Date : 22/12/2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 3pm - 4pm

Dear Sephine,

As per conversation with Kahmini, this is the rearranged session time with trainer as below :

Date : 21 Dec 2020 (Monday)
Time : 4pm - 5pm


Date : 24 Dec 2020 (Thursday)
Time : 3pm - 4pm


Thanks dearie,
I will revert to Kahmini soonest possible.


Ticket Number [T000102] will close. Thank you for your enquiries.

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