Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000104]
Axis Product Price List

May I know price list given including postage, fuel surcharge? I need assistance on the pricing in google drive.

Dear Chong Shen,

Yes, the product list in Axis price list is included postage. You may see it in the column - Total Cost (Product + Postage)

Dear Kah Yee,

Noted on postage. How about fuel surcharge? For example as per attached, fuel surcharge 12..25% given is based on what calculation, do i need to adjust it?

Selling price including fuel surcharge or i need to manually add in?


Hi Johnson,
For the fuel surcharge, the rate will be different every month.
In order to adjust the correct calculation based on the updated fuel surcharge, you may find out the latest surcharge on their website (DHL/UPS), as the image attached.


Hi Support,

Meaning to say I would need to monitor myself on the fuel surcharge on each forwader website?

Dear Chong Shen,

Yes, you need to monitor yourself on the fuel surcharge because the rate will bel be different every month.

Dear Chong Shen,

As per conversation, your issue been solved. Kindly close this ticket, our system will close this ticket in 24 hours. Thank you

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