Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000108]
Amazon Account Health "At Risk". Received Intellectual Property Complaints

I have listed CashFlow 101, 202 & 101+202 a few months ago with the bulk upload files provided by Axis. On 28/1/2020, I received Intellectual Property Complaints on 28/10/2020 without knowing reasons for "CashFlow 202 & CashFlow 101+202". Details as screenshot attached. I have removed the 2 listings. Can you assist me on how to appeal so that my account can restore back to healthy? CashFlow 101 still active and received 1 conversion on 28/10/2020 and 3 conversions o 31/10/2020. Thank you.


Dear Abby,
As per whatsapp reply just now. Kindly look at the template sent to you and revert back to us and we'll review before send for amazon appeal ya.
Thank you.

Dear Abby,

As per conversation here , your issue has been solved. Kindly close the ticket. Our system will auto close this ticket in 24 hours.

Thank you.

Hi Kah Yee,

How do you classify as solved? My Account still remains at risk and I'm still waiting for documents to appeal from Nic. The template already sent back to Nic and He is still not yet revert to me. Please check!


Dear Abby,

My apology to you, ms. We are checking for you now. Nicholas will liase with you. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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