Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000114]
Listing Impression ( Still not getting sales)

Hi I have changed the listing name based on the suggestion from JS. Yet im still not seeing much improvement in terms of click through rate. Please get back to me what kind i improve.


Hi Daniel,
Another way you can do testing is play around with your photos quality, positioning, and keywords such as product titles. Do testing 3 to a week to see the result.
There's no benchmark for good or worse CTR, but usually 2% is the standard average.
I see on your list you have certain CTR already, although impression's still low. As I said, you can test your effectiveness of your listing quality but paid-ads will definitely give a boost on your listing.
My suggestion is, if you are really committed, just go ahead and subscribe with eBay Starter pack. The additional features such as research tool and listing promotion features will help you to improve your listing
Refer to link : https://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/run-your-store/subscriptions-and-fees.html

Alright I'll go for the subscription store but for the time being i will put it on hold as for now until Christmas I will be busy for my preparation of finals for my university exam & projects. By December, can i get back to you to enquire about my ebay ? Is it still under the 90 days care program?

Furthermore, u said ' Do testing 3 to a week to see the result.'

does it mean i should do changes / testing for 3 weeks to see the outcome ?

Hi still pending for reply

Hi i am still waiting for reply

Dear Yi Hang,

Question : By December, can i get back to you to enquire about my ebay ? Is it still under the 90 days care program? Does it mean i should do changes / testing for 3 weeks to see the outcome ?

Answer: Yes, you may come back to us by December and do enquiry about ebay. Yes it is still under 90 days programme. Yes, do testing for 3 weeks to see what's the outcome first ya.

Hi Yi Hang,
Ticket reply more than 3 days will be auto-close.
Thank you for your enquiry.

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