Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000118]
Shopee Marketing Center - Discount Promotion & Voucher

Dear AXIS 1. Discount Promotion Pls refer to the attachment for the price violation. I have adjusted my original price to higher price with the intention to discount it, violation alert surface. I take that as ordinary message and proceed to set discount. If not advisable to do that, pls advise what is the wiser way to do it? 2. Voucher - How & when to apply the voucher, pls advise Attached. Regards Sephine


Dearest Sephine,

Existing listing definitely cannot increase selling price, and if do so it will immediately triggers price violation, and we believe this was mentioned several times in our discussions and training session given by support team and trainer.

Recommended that you plan your promotion ahead to do the adjustment. You can do so by changing the NEW LISTING price in the bulk file directly. Make sure your price amendment is within reasonable market selling price (suggestion is within 8-12%). Again, for your reminder, you can change pricing on NEW LISTING, not existing listing.

Vouchers mostly use to increase shop exposure, build followers or serve as a token of appreciation to your shoppers and it is applicable at any time or any period.

Refer to link attached to find out bout Shopee vouchers:

Dear AXIS,

Noted with thanks. I can revise the price in Lazada, hence think to apply the same trick to Shopee lor .. Unfortunately Shopee has different policy.

Which voucher is most common? shop or product ?
Thanks for the link, I will explore the links to set up the voucher.


Dear Sephine,

Shop voucher can be used for all products in the shop. Using shop voucher will attract buyers and increase shop exposure. Voucher can be used for selected products in the shop. Hence, You may use both vouchers as they are helpful to increase traffic.

Dear AXIS,
the above voucher related links referred, can you pls advise how to find the information from Lazada University and Shopee Education Hub? hence I can access when i have questions


1. The above question was unanswered after 2 days of posting? Do you have confusion on the question?
2. Product Voucher - I completed a product voucher, please advise why this voucher can not be displayed in the product page as per attachment?



Dear Sephine,

Q1. Lazada Voucher

Shopee Voucher

Q2. Please note that you are doing product voucher. Your voucher will not be displayed on any pages but you may share the voucher code with the users. Customer who buy the product that you set voucher with can apply the code you give during checkout time.

Q2. We will only know after the buyer purchase the product which will be shown in order page. How do we share the code with customer? I have received an order from buyer for the product c/w the product voucher but the price doesn't show the discount, pls advise soonest possible because I need to submit my order before 2pm Monday.
Q3 I intend to attach a gift, how do I do that as product from AXIS directly?

Q1 referred, I suppose you didn't get my meaning. My question is How to find an answer from Lazada and Shopee when I need to know something?

For the ticketing I send in, if possible please explain and answer the questions while attaching the links as what Serena did last time. We need to spend lengthy time to read thru the entire message to find the particular answer. I don't mind to have the link attached as reference but do answer straight the questions also. Thank you for your understanding

Again, sometime if that is the only way to go thru the link to get the answer, I don't mind either. Hope you get where I come from ya.


Your answer referred --"Q2. Please note that you are doing product voucher. Your voucher will not be displayed on any pages but you may share the voucher code with the users. Customer who buy the product that you set voucher with can apply the code you give during checkout time."
Pls view the attach voucher from other seller which is shown on the product page. Hence your above answer is not correct!
This is the product voucher I want though. please advise


Dear Sephine,
Q1 referred, I suppose you didn't get my meaning. My question is How to find an answer from Lazada and Shopee when I need to know something?

Answer : Ms, you can always Google the answer and you can always go to Lazada university / shopee education hub and search your question/keywords in their "Search" Column.

Q2. Pls view the attach voucher from other seller which is shown on the product page. Hence your above answer is not correct! This is the product voucher I want though. please advise

Ms, are you talking about Shopee or Lazada??

As mentioned before, Shopee Product Voucher need seller to share the Product Voucher Code to customer. It will not display in Product. You may share the code to your existing buyers through Chat because customer need to type the Code to the product they buy come with product voucher when they check out. Meanwhile, only Shopee Shop Voucher will be display on store.

Lazada product voucher will be display in the product when you do voucher promotion as you send.

Q3 I intend to attach a gift, how do I do that as product from AXIS directly?

As mentioned in Ticket T000122, You may write a remark when you fill in order details in Axis system regarding to free gift. Then Axis will hold on your parcel first. Then you may walk in to our office or send us the gift before logistics pick pack your order. Axis do not keep your gift in advance.

Dear Kah Yee,
Your answer" Answer : Ms, you can always Google the answer and you can always go to Lazada university / shopee education hub and search your question/keywords in their "Search" Column."

Certainly I did that ya but I did not get exactly same answer like you. I will only ask you after I have explored- google.
I got other answers after searching. Hence think to cross check with you on your steps, so that I can find this next time, taking example of voucher.

Do you search "voucher" straight or "maximizing sales" first?

Dear Sephine,

Normally I will search voucher first. Also will search some other keyword like maximizing sales to get more info.

Dear AXIS,

"Product Voucher not displayed" -- This issue has been escalated and discussed with support more than one week ago but still can not be solved. I have checked on few buyer's Shopee app and it has confirmed that the product voucher that I have created can not be seen in the cart and buy now mode. Attached with the screenshot of the product voucher not displayed in the buyers' app.
Product: Revuele Pro-collagen Tightening Mask
Voucher: RM5 off for minimum purchase RM24.90


Dear Sephine,

As mentioned before, Shopee Product Voucher need seller to share the Product Voucher Code to customer. It will not display in Product. You may share the code to your existing buyers through Chat because customer need to type the Code to the product they buy come with product voucher when they check out. Meanwhile, only Shopee Shop Voucher will be display on store.

Dear Kah Yee
Reference is made to our WhatsApp exchanged message dated 16.11.2020.
This issue has been escalated to Nic and it is still can not solve. He has confirmed he is able to see the product voucher in his app but not yours, likewise it goes to my friends' shopee app that I have verified.
If buyer can't even see the voucher & how would they ask for the code?

thanks for your assistance and pls help to diagnose what happen and how it works as I am going to apply product voucher


Dear Sephine,

Seller will need to send the voucher code to buyer through webchat and tell buyers. In another word, you need to fulfill the metrics before you entitle for the Broadcast function. You may go to Seller Centre > Data (Preferred Seller) to check the metric/requirements of how to become a Peferred Seller first before you can enjoy more benefits from Shopee.

Hi Sephine,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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