Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000013]
DHL e-Commerce Rates

Hi what is the correct rates for DHL e-commerce effective 1st Sept 2020? Thank you

Hi Yeok Su,
The new rates is effectively starting from 1st Sept. Please refer to the latest and updated pricelists in gdrive, or refer the shipping rate table in your Axis system.

Reason I asked if because I cannot understand the shipping rate in the Axis system

1) Under DHL e-commerce tab what is the column for US ? When I cross checked with the zone listing sent by AXIS many months ago they don't tally with the zone description in the table in shipping rate tab

2) Under US consolidated shipping rates, the lowest weight entry is 500gm, what about <500 gm?

Hi Yeok Su,
reply as per in whatsapp ya.

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