Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000143]
Global shipment for eBay and Amazon

Dear AXIS, 1. For US shipping rate, I have to refer to AXIS system>Shipping Rate>USA only isn't it? There is no courier specified based on the rate quoted there ? AXIS will choose whichever is cheaper? 2. Attached with other product filled in the price simulator. Why the postage and fuel doesn't support it? Is it because the postage +fuel is higher than the product cost? pls advise how to get the price simulation for this product? 3. Just to recap, whatever product in the box such as mask/glove, do we still pick whichever weight is higher for shipping cost calculation (dimension vs. actual) or only dimension weight? 4. After we decide the weight, then fill in the weight section in price simulator? Pls refer to your senior for the answer if required. Regards SL


Dear Sephine,

Please refer to the answer in Ticket T000144 as this is duplicate question. TQ

Dear Sephine,

As per conversation , you can get the answer from Ticket T000144. Kindly refer to Ticket T000144. We will close this ticket in our end. TQ

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