Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000147]
TR134571 : Shipping Fee Billed is higher than stated in price list

Hi, I would like to know why is the shipping fee for TR134571 is way higher than stated in the price list? In price list I have put 12% for fuel surcharge and the difference is still much higher in the billing. In the price list 'Shipping with Fuel Charges' show RM253.09 but in the billing is RM360.50. This is based on the latest price list provided. TR134571 is for 18 boxes of Kopi Gano 3 in 1 Kindly check if there is any error on this. Thank you


Dear Member

Thank you for inform us.

We have double check for billing transaction of TR134571 and wrong weight to bill, we will issue credit note for you and you can utilize with coming cycle billing .

Thank you for inform us.


Noted with thanks

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