Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000148]
Ebay Listing Management

Hello Axis, Attached is a screenshot taken from my Ebay performance page from 21 Nov - 22 Nov. I have 70 listings, but impressions are kind of low, and no sales as of now. How would you suggest to improve this metrics? Thanks in advance, Sylvia


Hi Lay Ling,

Good job on taking the steps in creating your first group of listings. I would say continue on what you're doing as your listings are still too little. Try to list as more and as much as you can to increase your visibility since your impression and click-thru rate is already building up.

Keep your activities active on daily basis, for example at least one listing a day and improve your listings on the PRODUCT TITLE, optimize and fill your ITEM SPECIFICS, PHOTOS (include 8-12 photos per listing). You can refer to the top 3 search result and take reference from other listings to enhance yours. You can also try to play with the store decorations. Then, observe for another 1-2 weeks to see the improvement. These are the fundamental that you can start to enhance your account.

Results happen over time, not overnight. work hard, stay consistent and be patient.

Axis Support

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