Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000149]
Questions on Price Simulator

Dear AXIS, Refer to AXIS Simulator as attached, pls provide better understanding for below:- Q1. A- "PayPal FT Fees against Currency" What does this mean & application? Q2. B- when I work back forward from SP, I got the figure for "C", SP 42.50x4.09=173.83. Q2. B- But there is marginal difference for B after take in A (U15) 136.69+ 3.98775= 140.68 or Q2. B- S/P RM 173.83- 6.68 (RM27.32)=146.51- (A) 3.98775=142.522 (still 34 cents variation) Q2. In brief, how to reach B? is it Q15+T15+V15=X15? I have problem to get X15(B) Q3. E- What does Balance (AB-T)- labelled as E mean? Q4. F- Total fees 6.68. I use B 142.861+ Total Fees (6.68 x 4.09) 27.3212 = Total Selling (MYR) 170.1822 --> less than SP 173.83 in the price list. Please shed some lights on the above. Should you require further understanding on the above, pls let me know. Thanks & appreciate. Sephine


Please revert this ticketing soon which was submitted 2 days ago ( more than 48 hours), I am pended for the answer.


As per discussion, this is how to get the net profit as below:

Selling Price (AI) – Total Fees (AH) = Balance (Z)
$ 42.50 – 6.68 = 35.825

Balance (Z) x PayPal FT Fees against Currency (V) = Conversion to RM (X)
$ 35.825 x 3.98775 = RM 142.86

Conversion to RM (X) – Total Cost Product + Postage (U) = Net Profit (AJ)
RM 142.86 – RM 136.69 = RM 6.17

IMPORTANT – Always check on the LATEST pricelist to get the correct Selling Price as conversion rate n fuel surcharge will be different. TQ

Thanks & appreciate your explanation.

Dear Sephine,

As per conversation, your issue have been solved, we will close this ticket in our end. TQ

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