Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000151]
eBay Sales

Dear AXIS 1. Up-to-date, I listed 20 products but there is no conversion despite many page views. Please advise how to get sales from eBay? Attached with the screenshot of page view 2. Being a seller, how do I fully make use of the eBay phone app? Pls advise just in case I neglect some important seller function. 3. Can my eBay be accessed by the trade buyer? Is there a separate eBay trade? Look forward to your reply. TQ Regards SL


As mentioned in ticket T000153, before we go further, we shall fix a time slot to to view your ebay account as well. TQ

Okay, thanks Kah Yee.
If possible, perhaps you may some some lights on Q2 & Q3 first ya because that is not sales related issues ya.
Besides, I got a buyer made an offer yesterday in eBay eventually buyer has declined my counter offer. May you share your experience on counter offer and how would you offer?
I wonder how the other seller price their Phytoscience DBL stemcell at such low price and if they are AXIS seller, do they really check the latest price list which include 6% Malaysia Tax.

Dear Sephine,

Try to click every button/function in eBay phone app, it should be similar with eBay in desktop site but it is advisable to use laptop to do listing and all because there is certain file needed to upload, it is easier using laptop compared to phone app.

Yes, your eBay can access by any buyer or trade buyer.

If a buyer makes the seller an offer via the Best Offer feature on the listing, the seller may send them a counter offer of a higher amount. Your response should be lower than the Buy It Now price, but higher than the offer you received. The buyer can then either accept it, ignore it, decline it, or send their own counter offer to other seller again. You may refer to the link below to explore more about Best offer. Here I attach the link for your further clarification


Dear Kay Yee,
1. Yes I have played with the eBay app.
1.1 How to edit my existing listings via eBay phone app (not list a new prdt).
1.2 Scheduled Time: I scheduled the time for listing but it wasn't listed up according to the time? says I am doing listing now at
3.24pm 2nd Dec with the scheduled time at 6am 2nd Dec PST, but it wasn't shown instead later.
2. How to edit Html template? such as delete certain portion of the template or adding pic/words in between?

3. Under the Item description, I believe we can upload just picture or write-up? I have written paragraphs of description with some pictures using standard & then upload the template under HTML, but eBay pop out an alert.

4. 26-Nov-2020 02:58pm
As mentioned in ticket T000153, before we go further, we shall fix a time slot to to view your ebay account as well. TQ

- append with my eBay store link:

5. "If a buyer makes the seller an offer via the Best Offer feature on the listing, the seller may send them a counter offer of a higher amount. Your response should be lower than the Buy It Now price, ........................."

My Ans: Yes, I have done all this, thanks for your sharing ya. Is there any tricks of "the counter offer content" to catch the buyer?


Dear Sephine,

You may go Selling search for Active listing and edit your existing listing via eBay phone app.

May you screenshot & show me the scheduled time is not showing? Normally, schedule time can be found in the Selling details section of the listing form. Seller need to make sure the date and time is correct too when make schedule ya.

Axis have web designer to do HTML for the products. But if you have knowledge about HTML and you want to do it yourself then you may try it. But we advise not to edit the HTML after the product has been launch until there is latest update of the product as we are afraid certain information might be lost.

You can offer to the buyer in terms of quantity. For example, if buyers decline the offer, you can give suggestion to them by give them offer in buying more qty of products can get cheaper price.

Dear Kah Yee
For the item description, we usually click on HTML, how to use "Standard" instead? as pointed in the attachment.

For editing the HTML, I tried to delete certain parts and it allowed. When I inserted too many words and other picture, it showed description is too long when publish the listing. I have checked the description after listing and nothing has gone missing ya.



Dear Sephine,

“Standard” means seller can edit basic text inside. “Standard” function is similar as Microsoft Word where seller can edit text such as bold, italic word and etc.

Hi Sephine,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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