Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000153]
Lazada & Shopee

Dear AXIS I have not receiving any order from Lazada and Shopee for nearly 2 weeks, please help and advise on how to generate sales through strategy? Besides, my eBay also no sales since day one I have listed my products. Kindly refer to Rade for strategy application as she sounded very experience on online sales strategy during our chat previously. I am flexible for a 30 mins chat if it is good for you because it was not covered in last session with JS. Appreciate your assistance. Thank you Sephine

Before further into the sales strategy, maybe we arrange a session with Trainer to view your account.
I shall update you the slot and time available. TQ.

Dear Nic

Thank you so much Nic. Should I suggest sometime next week ya.

Appreciate your assistance.


Please revert on the store review and when is the session with trainer?


Your issue [T000153] is resolved. We are closing the ticket now. If there is anything else you need help with, feel free to reply to this email or contact Axis Support. We will be happy to help.

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