Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000159]
eligible to send offer

Dear AXIS 1. I got an invite from eBay to send offer for 3x Nugano Coffee to an interested buyer, attached with the page of eligible to send offer. I am not able to give any further discount for this product after checking the recent revised pricelist with marketplace tax collection 6%. Usually how do you handle this scenario? Change the listing price & give offer or price higher from the beginning when doing listing? 2. This product also has 42 views, what do you recommend next action to secure the sales? 3. 3rd attachment referred, what does the "remaining" in an offer made by a buyer mean? Thanks SL


1. For this case, we will advise seller to mark up the selling price when do listing. FYI, for every counter offer, you need to give min offer 5% to buyer. With this $55.10 if do offer again it will deficit. Hence, it is advisable to mark up price when listing.

2. There are few suggestions :
- Add volume pricing (attachment 2 that you send). With volume pricing seller can play around with %.
- Play around with the title listing. For example, free express shipping in 2-3 business days, provide Nugano Coffee expiry date, provide unit price such as $18.36 per unit ($55.1 / 3 boxes) in title listing

3. “Remaining” means the availability of the stock qty.

Thanks Kah Yee, will try your suggestion ya.

1. Is the min offer of 5% (for every counter offer) a rule of dumb ? If I mark up the listing price, then it will not even attract buyers at the first sight because not everyone will make an offer, how?

2. Appreciate your sharing.

3. I gotta ask a silly question: what does the word "recommended" in the listing snap shot mean?

Thanks & appreciate your advice


Dear Sephine,

There are 2 types of counter offer. 1st is system will automatically send out the counter offer to seller by detecting buyer’s watch on product. This must be min offer 5%. 2nd is buyers send counter offer themselves to seller. In this case, seller can adjust the offer %, not limited to min 5% .

The word "recommended" in the listing snap shot mean?
Recommended in Item specific means seller can add more description about the products to let buyer to know more.

Dear Kah Yee
"1st is system will automatically send out the counter offer to seller..."
Where would eBay send out counter offer automatically? If the cost absorbed by seller, then it could be dangerous, isn't it?

"Recommended" I didn't get your meaning. Kindly refer to the attachment ya.


Dear Sephine,

They will send to seller when the system detect if buyer watch seller products. It is automatic by the system.

You may click "Add recommend" and can add descriptions about the products to let buyer to know more. Recommend is like the item description of the products.

Hi Sephine,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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