Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000160]
eBay File Exchange

Dear AXIS I have run through how to upload bulk file for eBAy listing in AXIS Google Folder & eBay learning. I see it is quite complicated. DO you mind to provide guidance? and when is the right timing to start eBay exchange file? I noticed that we first need to register for eBay exchange file. Kindly advise. Thanks. SL

Dear Sephine,

Please refer to Axis folder > Training Guideline > eBay Bulk upload steps
There is a guide to guide you on how to do eBay bulk upload.

1. As mentioned above I have granted thru the guide before I filed the Ticketing ya but thanks though.
If those are the steps, I will follow it but I am confused why shall we fill the business policy again in which we have completed it before our first listing? and how do we handle/ save the changes if we create another business policy for the file exchange? pls shed some light.
2. I have completed 31 listings manually one by one, is it time to do file exchange now?



3. I would like to know how to create alternative/ few options of business policy : Payment, Return & Shipping policy and how to apply it to different listings?

Thanks for your assistance


Dear Sephine,

Please refer to eBay bulk upload file starts from Slide 8 to do eBay bulk upload. Yea, you can do file exchange now.

To access Business Policies for your listings in the app:
1. Tap Selling at the bottom of the app homepage.
2. Tap List an Item.
3. From the Listing Summary page:
• Tap the pen symbol beside Delivery to see your existing shipping policies
• Tap the pen symbol beside Preferences to see your existing payment or return policies
4. If you want to change the selected policy for this listing, tap on the policy you want then tap Done.

Also, We have our eBay class this week, do you want to join as refresher?

Dear Kah Yee

Thanks for your advice. I knew how to access the business policy and I did changes before. That was not my question ya. If you read the question again, I was asking how to create alternative & few business policies and how to apply it to different listings?

When (date) would be the next eBay training session ya?

Thanks for your assistance.

Dear Sephine,

Kindly refer to attachment below on create few business policies.

eBay class training will be on 11 & 12 December 2020 (Friday, Saturday)


My dearie,

I already know how to create business policy ya. I was asking how to have few business policies at the same time, not about how to create it?

If you still not clear my question, can I suggest we speak on the phone for the short one:)


Dear Sephine,

You may create few business policy by adding new policy and rename the policy. (Pls refer to attachment as example).
NOTE: For payment & return we usually use 1 business policy. For Shipping, seller can have few shipping policies.


Dear Kah Yee
I got it, many thanks ya.
Thereafter, we can choose which shipping policy we want under Shipping details>Business policies>shipping policy in the listing isn't it


Dear Sephine

Yes you are right

Hi Sephine,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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