Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000169]
Store Address

Hello Axis Team, I have a question on the store address is fill in our house address or fill in Axis warehouse address? Because delivery driver come mine house to pick up! Looking forward to hear from you for the guidance. Thanks Regards, Ben

Dear Ker Beng,

Lazada & shopee store house is fill in reseller own House address. Did u fill in order in Netbiz system?

Okay, noted.
Yes, I got fill in order in Netbiz system.

Thank you.

btw, you have sent email to locafulfilment@axisnet.asia ya?

Yes, have send email.

Hi Ker Beng,

It shouldn't pick up at your location since the address setting is correct. Just let them know your warehouse is in another location, in case they come again. It may due to glitches in Lazada system.

Okay. Thank you.


Your issue [T000169] is resolved. We are closing the ticket now. If there is anything else you need help with, feel free to reply to this email or call our support line. We will be happy to help. Thank you.

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