Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000021]
Debit note as per email dated 19/08/20 & follow up email on 11/09/2020

As per my email dated 19/08/2020 being DHL Short Charges of Add Correction , DN No. 852 RM50, RM11.09 for DN 697 & additional RM50 for DN 790 concerns I 'm yet to receive any respond until today. Follow up with another email dated 11/09/2020 to update the status and yet until today either no reply or have overlook. Thank you

Dear Doreen,
For billing details inquiries, you may contact evon@netbiz.net ya.
Thank you.

Dear member,
Kindly end the ticket if your issue has been solved. Ticket will auto-end within 24hrs.
Thank you for your enquiry.

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