Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000232]
Missing clearance information

Order: 139320718 UPS: 1Z6E395A0463061769 Missing clearance information and Sandy said require EIN from customer. Customer refuse to provide EIN and wanted to cancel the order. Please advise


Hi Leonard,
The request for EIN number is the standard procedure for all customs in any country.
Please communicate with buyer, they can provide you the EIN and we can help to submit.
If in your case buyer refuses due to PnC issue, they can choose to provide the EIN directly to the courier.
Usually the shipment will be released once the information is given.

Hi Leonard,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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