Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000237]
The Hives documents do not meet requirement

Hi, Good evening, Regarding you provided the photo & COA doc were not meet the requirements so that my request for ungated category had rejected. Please refer to the attached file and support me provide the related photo and doc. Thank you. Best regards, Bryan Tan


Hi Bryan,
There is the invoice with the item Winalite WinIon.
You may proceed and use that to ungate the same category as well.

Hi Nicholas, initially i submitted Winalite Winion and it require COA document. Then i seek from support to Axis with Apple & Kahmini help. Thanks for Apple & Kahmini fast support to me.

After that, Axis provide me this The Hivette product with COA. But this product photos & COA not accepted by Amazon.
Now you ask me submit again for Winalite Winion product but without provide me the COA!!!! SO WHAT AXIS WANT ME TO DO??????? This is your support?

Hi Bryan,

We are now working in progress on handling your issue and make sure reply to you with the solution as soon as possible.


Hi Bryan,

We have sent out a new COA and progress on how to reply to Amazon.

Please check on your email.

Once again thank you to connect with Axis Support Team.

We require you to close this ticket if there's no further action/update within 24-48 hours, otherwise, the system will be close the ticket on behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.


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