Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000240]
Document supporting for product OPCEDEN Toco Enols

hi there, ivue received the docs, category 1/2/3 all done im trying on 4th category now Vitamins & Dietary Supplements submitting product OPCEDEN Toco Enols Amazon request docs which i dont have : 1st part : Must contain lot number and manufacture date Expiration date must not be in the past (documents with dates in the past will not be reviewed) Includes the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor Must be issued by an ISO 17025 certified laboratory CoA issued within the last six months CoA must contain quantitative analysis to support the active ingredient concentration as claimed on supplement facts panel Must include product name 2nd: Letter of Guarantee from Manufacturer (LoG) Document must meet the following requirements: Must be printed on your company letterhead LoG must contain complete product name as listed on label LoG must contain an assurance that the product is manufactured under current Good Manufacturing Practices LoG must contain an assurance that only lawful and safe, as defined in section 402 (f) of the FD&C Act, ingredients are utilized LoG must contain an assurance that concentration of active ingredient(s) as stated on the label and labeling is safe for consumption can enlighten me on this unGATE please. thank you very much

Hi Aylwin,

We have sent a new brand: CellLabs COA and invoice for you to get un-gate Vitamins & Dietary Supplements Category. You may access it via this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1BopfuHpgD7pNf34P2jlIkZ9Ivz-gnV9B

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.

This ticket will be close on-behalf of you within 24 hours from the date of the ticket send out if there is no further update/reply from both sides.

We hope that our service has been of assistance to you.


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