Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000249]
No progress on shipment

DHL tracking : 4968907016 Hi, referring to the above shipment tracking number, this shipment to Germany has not move beyond the clearance stage for few days. Can axis check what is the problem with this shipment? Thank you

Hi Tay Kim Hong,

As per Sandy email, she has helped you to apply for parcel abandon from DHL due to losing connection with the buyer/consignee for payment slip request.

If there's any update from the abandon progress, you will receive an email update from Sandy and Axis ticket system too.


Dear Member

Shipment number TR140899 parcel was returned.

Out of Goodwill with DHL , this return parcel has no return fees.

Please kindly arrange to come and collect back your return item.

Shipment number. TR 140899 (2x CellLabs Memo-X)

Thank you

Dear Member

return already pass to Steve.

Please kindly close case.

Thank you

Thank you

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