Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000259]
Un-gate Doterra

Hi Axis, i would like to un-gate doterra category to be sell on amazon on my platform. please provide me the relevant documents

Hi Kong Yi Hang,

Instead of doTerra product, we will provide you with Tanamera Lavender Essential Oil to ungated personal care category.

Both of the brands are used to ungate the personal care category, and it will only need one time-off submission to ungated it regardless of which brand you are selling. Thus, will need your help to ungate Tanamera instead of doTerra.

Below is the link for you to get all the ungate documents:


Where is the invoice for tanamera?

Hi Yi Hang,

We have updated the 3rd invoice to the Google Drive link, you may have a look.


Hi i can seem to find Tanamera Lavendar Essential Oil. Please suggest me which one should i click to apply to sell and to do document submission


Hi Daniel,

As per our chat through WhatsApp, we sent out botanic essential for you to ungate the topical category.

And we have also shared with you the reason why doTerra is not available to sell on Amazon, it's because of the after trademark registered by the Brand Owner, we are not allowed to sell doTerra as of now.

We will suggest you to selling other topical product which is available on our Axis, for example, botanic essential, skinlabs, tanamera and etc.

We hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


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