Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000264]
eBay return order

Order ID: 141998718 Customer order 15 OG Latte, I key in wrongly and send 15 OG Black. Customer request for return. Based on this situation, what's the best solution?


Hi Leonard,

Here's the suggestion for you:
1. If you have Amazon FBA, you may return this parcel back to Amazon FBA, and resell this product on Amazon.
2. Upload a new listing for 15 OG Black coffee, and sell it to the other customer. (Remember to adjust your handling time to 3-5 business day so that your current customer able to help you to reship this product and you may also prevent from late shipment)
3. Contact with buy and ship 3rd party service warehouse, and have them return back the product to Malaysia, but the cost value is high.

According to your situation, we will suggest you follow the #2 suggestion which is more cost-saving for you.

I hope that our answer has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


1. Please provide steps for Amazon FBA.

2. For option 2, how can I create the return label & pay for it? My current customer had to do it?

Hi Leonard,

Our support team have replied you through Whatsapp on 04 March:
1. Please provide steps for Amazon FBA. By sharing you with a FBA return PPT.
2. For option 2, how can I create the return label & pay for it? My current customer had to do it?
You may buy the return label from UPS or DHL, the address from you write "eBay buyer address" , address ship to you write "the new buyer" address, after fill up, you download the label and email it to your buyer as return label and have the eBay buyer to send it out on behalf of you


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