Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000271]
Contact UPS to redelivery

Details: Delivery failed because customer refuse to pay $45.30 brokerage fees and open eBay return case. I had refunded $45.30 to customer, the return case closed and we come to an agreement that customer will receive the parcel and will pay the $45.30 brokerage fees. Now the parcel not moving since 23rd February. I had messaged customer several times, include asking customer to initiate to contact UPS for redelivery, but customer do not reply. So my last method is require Sandy to contact UPS, so that UPS will redelivery or contact customer. Problem is I don't understand what Sandy is replying me. Please read the gmail conversation start from March 10th. 1. Can Sandy send a proper and clear message to UPS? Based on what Sandy send to UPS, I not sure UPS understand the message context or not, why not send a complete message like: " Consignee agreed to pay the brokerage fees of $45.30 via cash, upon redelivery. Therefore please redelivery." 2. So does that means UPS had contact customer, and customer agreed to pay for the brokerage fees? 3. Did UPS inform customer what's the payment procedure? Did UPS not agree cash on delivery COD? Because based on the message between me and customer, customer is willing to pay for it. 4. If UPS did not inform customer how to make payment and disagree for COD, please let me know the payment procedure, so that I could forward to customer. 5. What's the deadline before UPS start to dispose the parcel? 6. Can UPS change the delivery to my Amazon FBA address?


Hi Leonard,

Good day to you. Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team, and we apologise for the inconvenience caused.

As per our phone call this afternoon, Axis logistics team has previously contacted UPS twice for the redelivery of parcel and requested for COD of $45.30 duty & tax charges. However, we suggest for you to:

1. Call UPS on behalf of your customer to re-arrange for delivery
2. Confirm COD payment method of $45.30

This is because the customer (receiver) initially refused to receive the parcel in the first place, therefore, UPS needs a confirmation from the customer (receiver) itself and not from the sender/shipper. You can call UPS through Skype or activate IDD with your mobile service provider.

Furthermore, to quickly solve this problem, Sandy will also be emailing UPS the proof which you have provided us just now that your customer has agreed to pay the brokerage fees.


Hi Leonard,

And regarding question 6:

1. UPS can hold your shipment for up to a month so it is for your best interest that this problem be solved as soon as possible.
2. We do not advise you to change the delivery to your Amazon FBA address as you will need to create return label yourself and it would cost additional fees to deliver to a different address.

We hope this clarifies your concern. Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you require further assistance.

Thank you!

Sandy said send the UPS payment link to consignee, ask consignee to make payment, then UPS will make redelivery.

I didn't pretend as consignee and call UPS yet. 

I called consignee just now. Consignee said he called UPS today. 

UPS don't accept cash on delivery but saying that consignee could pay with cheque or credit card. 

So consignee had prepared a cheque of $45.30, UPS agreed and said they will redelivery. But UPS didn't mention when is the redelivery date/time. 

I told consignee about the UPS online payment, but consignee insist on paying cheque during redelivery.

So can I get a confirmation, did UPS agree to receive cheque and will proceed to redelivery.

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