Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000273]
Questions about Lazada Promotion - Sponsor Search & Affiliate Search

Dear AXIS/ Apple, I would like to learn about the Lazada Sponsor Search & Affiliate Search. Do you mind to shed some lights on these 2 promotion method? Thanks and Regards Sephine

Hi Sephine,

Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team.

Lazada Sponsor Search is an ad campaign that appears on the product search results of buyers that are looking for a product that is relevant or similar to your chosen SKUs. For example, you selected product A for your sponsored search. And when a customer searches for a product similar to your product A, your product A will show up on top of the product search as a sponsored ad. This is only if your product is relevant and your bid to join this sponsor search is high enough.

Please refer to the links below for further information on Sponsor Search:
1. https://sellercenter.lazada.com.my/seller/helpcenter/what-you-need-to-know-about-sponsored-search-10564.html

2. https://sellercenter.lazada.com.my/seller/helpcenter/how-does-the-sponsored-search-work-10565.html


Hi Sephine,

As for the Lazada Affiliate Search, it enables sellers to improve their sales whereby the seller's products will be advertised on the websites of Lazada's affiliate partners and in exchange, the affiliate partner earns a percentage of sales if a customer purchases the advertised product.

Please refer to the links below and the attached pdf for further information on Affiliate Search:
1. https://sellercenter.lazada.com.my/seller/helpcenter/how-to-access-sponsored-affiliates-10874.html?spm=a2a16.helpcenter-psc-topic.articles-list.1.2c0a5130IKiR1u

2. https://sellercenter.lazada.com.my/seller/helpcenter/campaign-set-up-for-sponsored-affiliates-10875.html?spm=a2a16.helpcenter-psc-topic.articles-list.2.2c0a5130IKiR1u

We hope this helps!

Thank you!


Dear AXIS,

Thanks for your explanation and which one do you recommend to improve sales revenue ya?


Hi Sephine,

Based on our understanding of these two programs, Sponsor Search is a cost-per-click model where by the seller will only pay when the customers click on your sponsored product, not including the seller's bidding amount to join this program. Whereas the Affiliate Search program is a cost-per-sale where by seller will only be charged when there is a sale through the ads from affiliate partner's website. The unfortunate thing is that we do not know who Lazada's affiliate partners are, therefore, we do not know who are the audience that the ads will reach. While for the Sponsor Search, we know that the sponsor products you've chosen will only appear with products in the relevant category, therefore it reaches potential serious buyers who are searching for products in this particular category.

Does this help you do understand better?


Hi Sephine,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


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