Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000279]
TR142750-Customer receive wrong item

Customer order opceden ezy chews but she receive opceden optikidz. Please check clearly before shipping out.Please see attachment for evidence.Please ship the correct item. Another question i want to know is if logistic ship wrong item, I need to bare all the cost? including shipping cost, product cost(which is the product that shipped wrong).


Hi Tang Zhe,

Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused. Could you provide us a screenshot of the Shipment History from our Axis system? This is for further clarification.

Also, have you provided any solutions to the customer regarding this matter yet? As it will take around 1-2 business days for us to check on our end.


Below Attach picture is the screenshot of shipment history.

I will replace the correct item to customer but i have some question.the shipping fees still i need to bare?since it is logistic fault so i should not bare this cost.


Dear Member

as per tele-convesation the wrong item your customer will return back to Axis. (please help monitor until return it the item)

We will ship out the correct item (Opceden Kidz Ezy Chews 600mg ) to your buyer (reference shipment transaction : TR142750 )

Thank you

Hi Tang Zhe,

As per our conversation on whatsapp and with Sandy, you do not have to bare the shipping fees as we have confirmed that it is logistics mistake. While we're waiting for the customer to return the wrong item back to us, we will ship out the correct item to the customer.


May i know the tracking number?

Dear member

here with the tracking ERC555651340MY postlaju.

please arrange the opceden optikidz return back to office.

Thank you

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