Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000293]
Request support on how to submit Amazon order (Fulfillment Guide)

Dear Axis Support, I had received my 1st order from Amazon marketplace, could you guide me how to do the submission of my receive order? Or if you have Amazon Fulfillment Guide, could you share me? Looking forward your reply. Thank you. Best Regards, Bryan Tan


Hi Axis,

As above my inquiry, i had tried to draft my 1st Amazon Customer submit to Axis system.
Could you support to confirm my customer details are fill correctly?

Besides that, i also could not found the Celllabs SK2 Omega 2box set in Axis System.
But in Axis provided excel price list have 2 box set.
Therefore i select Celllabs SK2 Omega 1box and put the quantity 2, is it ok?

Please refer to the printscreen.
Please let me know by 22 Mar 2021 before 10am?

Thank you



Hi Bryan,

The address fills up in the Axis system please refer to the attached photo for correction.

We have updated the package list for CellLabs SK2 Omega X 2 units, hence will request you to cancel the old shipment and submit a new shipment again.



Dear Axis Support,

Thank you for your quick respond and i had amend and resubmitted my order already.

Besides that, after the shipping provider & tracking number have confirm via axis system then i need to input these 2 information into Amazon by clicking the "Confirm Shipment" button? After this, i had complete the whole fulfillment process for this order ?

Looking forward your reply.
Thank you.


Hi Bryan,

Yes, you will be able to get the tracking number in the Axis system around 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, and you will need to key in the 2 information by clicking confirm shipment.


Hi Axis Support,

Thank you for your quick respond and advise, it is very helpful to me.
Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan

Hi Bryan,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


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