Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000294]
Amazon Listing - Show Stock Currently Unavailable & Infographic not show up even had uploaded

Dear Axis Support, I would like seek for your support on my Amazon Listing Item show active in my inventory but when i go to the listing it show stock currently unavailable & also the infographic did not show even i had uploaded and tried uploaded it few times already. Please advise me on how to solve this problem. Thank you. Best Regards, Bryan Tan


Hi Bryan,

As from the attached photo, we could see that your location setting is in Singapore for you to review your live listing.

We will suggest you adjust the zip code to 90001 Los Angelas, C.A US, after that you should be able to see your live listing is available to sell.


Hi Axis Support,

Thank you for your advise and now i able to see my listing.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan

You can close this ticket already.
Thank you.

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