Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000302]
Shipping Weight

Product: 1 box Rhymba Hills Reelax 10 sachets Shipping weight (per price list) : 150 gm per box Shipping cost (per price list) : RM51.30 (without surcharge) Question 1 If a customer orders 5 boxes of the above will the shipping be calculated as 1) 5 times of the individual 150gm shipping weight ie 5 X RM51.30 = RM256.50 Or 2) Consolidated weight of the 5 boxes which shoudl add up to 500 gm (per price list) RM70.02 (without surcharge) Question 2 Does fuel surcharge apply to shipping weight below 500 gm? The Rhymba Hills price list excluded fuel surcharge for shipping weight 150gm


Hi Lee Yeok Su,

Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team.

To answer your 1st question, the shipping will be calculated as 2) consolidated weight of the 5 boxes which should add up to 500 gm.

As for question 2, yes fuel surcharge still applies for below 500 gm. As of right now the DHL eCommerce fuel surcharge rate is 15% for March and will be 16.5% for April.

Hope this helps.


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