Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000323]
Different between Amazon Flat File Package & Price List

Dear Axis Support, I found some different between Amazon Flat File and Price List for these 2 product. Could you support me? RHYMBALHILLS - Difference on Product Package PHYTOSCIENCE - Different for Product Quantity Thank you. Best Regards, Bryan Tan


Hi Bryan,

Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team.

Could you elaborate more on what differences you found between the files?

Hi Bryan,

As per our conversation on Whatsapp, we have clarified the name differences for Rhymba Hills in Amazon flat file and price list. As for the Phytoscience + Biowellz, we were looking at the wrong price list. The correct price list for that flat file is this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jhK5kI350bszxrAwQUtby8voMghft0_0/edit#gid=1875356402

Hope this clarifies!



Dear Axis Support Team,

Thank you for your clarification. Now i understood and you can close this case already.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan

Hi Bryan,

We're glad that our service has been of assistance to you, as a result, we will close this ticket.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


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