Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000333]
Un-gate Category

Hi Axis Support, Please assist me provide the requested documents for un-gate Amazon category. Looking forward your reply. Best Regards, Bryan Tan


Hi Axis Support,

Total 9 items i need your support for provide me the documents for un-gate Amazon category.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan


Hi Bryan,

Thank you for contacting Axis Support Team.

Could you click on "Provide Documentation or Appeal" and screenshot the documents they want us to provide? Hope to hear from you soon.


Hi Axis Support,

All 9 items request documents are same as the screenshot i had provided at my first submitted attachment.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan

Hi Axis Support,

Sorry. Total is 10 items.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan


Hi Bryan, ​

As mentioned in the ticket T000334, we have found that the reason for this recent compliance requirement is due to a new regulation from FDA for product contain Latex.

For the above status, we will advise you to click on :

>view appeal / Provide documentation or Appeal
> which will lead you to another page (attach below image)

From the new page, it will show "is this an appeal ?" and come with a question of

"You can appeal this compliance requirement if you aren't able to supply the requested documents, or if you believe you received this document request in error"

Please select "Yes" and follow by tick on the box for "The requested document doesn't apply to me"

We will need to inform you of 2 points after this action:
1. It has no effect on any of your defect rate
2. Your current listing will be removed by Amazon or will be requested to delist

Hope this answer your inquiry.



Hi Axis Support Team,

Thank you, it means my listing will remove rite and cannot list these items?

Hi Bryan,

You can try to park on another listing because Amazon is not actually stopping you to sell this category.

Hope this helps!

Thank you.

Hi Axis Support,

I had followed your advise to reply Amazon.
However Amazon currently request me to provide information, please refer to the attached screenshot.

Looking forward your advise.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Bryan Tan


Hi Axis Support,

Any Update?

Thank you.

Hi Axis Support,

Any Update?

Thank you.

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