Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000364]

Hi Axis, I am currently facing two issues which is first of i have two return issues from amazon haven't settle until now and i seek for immediate response because i am tired of waiting for reply. Second, i had a complaint from customer saying that i shipped wrong product to her and i cross-checked with my submission. There is no mistake being made from my side, i am guessing it could be axis made an mistake from there. I am here asking for more efficient and rapid response. I am always seating in front of my computer for numerous hours just to wait for reply. Could you please make things more efficient when it comes to handling issues like this ? Thank you.

Dear member

please kindly provide shipment number to check further as you mention :

(complaint from customer saying that i shipped wrong product to her and i cross-checked with my submission. There is no mistake being made from my side, i am guessing it could be axis made an mistake from there)

please provide detail below or print screen attached also can
Shipment number :
Date of shipment :
consignee name :

Thank you

Hi Sandy,

Here are the details support team able to provide for further investigation:

Invoice number: 146152
Shipment tracking number: NLMYA05151375 (Ninja Van)
Date of shipment: 26 April 2021
Consignee Name: Felix Kong


Hi Sandy,

As per the last update from Reseller:

- customer is willing to receive the parcel for Australia Botanic Soap. Hence, there's no shipment requirement.

But will request your assistance with the CN note preparation for the reseller.


Okie thanks , please send me the CN note. thank you

Dear Member

for reference :
Member order : Revuele Liquid Soap Lavender 400ml - UNIT x 1 (RM 16.90)
Wrong Ship : Australian Botanical Soap Lavender - UNIT x (RM 15.29)

credit note cost of product RM 1.61 (refer CN no : CNA2021-057) attached

Thank you


This refund will credited to my account or it will be deducted from the sales ?

Please get back to me ?

Dear Member

when you make payment please utilize this credit note, if you previous billing still did not use it.

Thank you

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