Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000397]
Ebay Bulk upload file error - Zen Patch

Hi there During upload this bulk upload file into my ebay account, this have received this error, Need your help to review and comment Thanks in advance

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Hi Azmi,

Apologize for the inconvenience caused. You may check on the (column K = *C:Dosage) at the listing. Because column K cannot be empty and try to fill up that column. Reply here the result.

Thank you.

Hi Axis team

Thanks for your respond

Kindly advise what should i input in the column K?

can i put "1" in the column K? or "1 per day"?

Hi Azmi,

Type (as shown) in all column K and if still error type (1) in all column K. If still failed type (1 per day) in all column K.

Thank you.

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