Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000423]

Hi Axis, I am experiencing a glitch where the excel pricelist file being uploaded or the one kahmini personal send me. There is no drop down bar when i want to select the commision status. Please advise me what to do. Below attach a photo as a proof and i have raise this issues to kahmini. Please get back to me



You may download the file first, then you will be able to select the dropdown.

Meanwhile, We will check on the excel sheet as well.


I have already download all the file and out 10 only 1/2 can select the commmision thingy whereas others doesn't show the drop down bar. please get back to me through the whatsapp


Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file a new ticket through the Axis system.


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