Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000433]
INVOICE No : IMA21-4918

I found billing error under Invoice IMA21-4918. Member Price should be RM86.58 but was billed my selling price. Please rectify the error and resend so I can arrange payment. I send email email earlier 01/Jul/2021 to billing@axisnet.asia and .cc Evon & Jessi but no reply from them. Thank you. -Yoelyn- Organic Oasis


Hi Yoelyn,

Let us check and will get back to u by today.


Hi Bryan,

Any update? As we need to arrange payment.


Hi Bryan,

I received the latest billing from Axis Network but unfortunately I did not see the Cellabs rebate as in CN as mentioned by you.

Kindly help to follow up. Otherwise unable to make any payment to Axis Network.

Thank you.


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