Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000455]
Request for Live Product Image ( Rejected by Amazon )

To Whom It May Concern, Good Afternoon Pls be informed that I requested live product image for Tanamera soap earlier and requested to Un-gate the topical category through Amazon. However, there was a replied from Amazon that my action was not successful due to below reason : Product Packaging Picture : - The images provided are unclear or the text is illegible. Please provide legible images showing each side of the product packaging with product information. - The images provided do not show the manufacturer or brand owner’s name or contact information. Accepted contact information includes a physical address, website URL, or phone number. Please provide images that meet this requirement. I appreciate you can resend the above images which meet the above requirement to ease my process to Un-gate the category. Thank You valuedvstore Wong Yim Fong davinawong118@hotmail.com 017-6794180


please refer to the download link below to download the file, as due to the big file, we are unable attach the file here.

Download link:



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