Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000540]
Own fulfillment

Hi, I would like to get some advice on the steps for own shipment as I would like to order it for my own consumption. Please advice. Thank you. Best Regards, Darrell Tan



From the screenshot, you had submitted the shipment under own shipment (which the purpose for this is to shipOwn product , Not Axis Product). So we believe you want to order Axis product directly right?

There are 2 option u can choose:

1) To pick the item from our Office, Endah Parade, LEvel 5.

Steps: In memberV2, Go to shipment>>single shipment>> Choose Shopee / Lazada, >> Step 1 (Fill in your address) >> Step 2 (Just fill in accordingly , Listing URL, title, amount (key in product amount), Under shipping mode (Select Pick Up), Shipping LAbel (Upload product photo will do), Step 3 (Select the product u want)>> Submit as usual.

2) We courier to you the products (WE are using Pos LAju)
Steps: In MemberV2, Go to shipment>>single shipment>> Choose Shopee / Lazada, >> Step 1 (Fill in the address you want us to sent to ) >> Step 2 (Just fill in accordingly , Listing URL, title, amount (key in product amount), Under shipping mode (Select Pos Laju), Submit as usuall.

for Option 2, we will also bill u the shipping fees for Pos Laju.

*** For the above shipment S172104, kindly send email to sandy@netbiz.my and cc support@axisnet.asia, to request to cancel due to wrong shipment.


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