Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000558]
Been query by potential buyers on products listed that approval required

I have listed the following products in my Shopee store. 1. NutraVita skincare products - Placenta Serum & Placenta Concerntrate 2. Quest, Therabio, Lucol-S, Plant Bio supplements 3. Popoq & Dr Soonsak hand sanitizers and disinfectants 4. PIC Thermometers Buyers have sent in enquiry on the above products especially supplements and skincare products whether the products have the necessary registration and approval from Ministry of Health (MOH) for distribution in Malaysia. Potential buyer not convinced because we cqnnot offer any explanation why not registered. SHOPEE also sent notification for some of the listing reminding to list only products with proper local registration. Please revert how should we go about to resolve this matter. Please furnish the necessary registration for the above products (if you already have it) and a letter of appointment of us as your products distributor/ reseller that will authorise us to list your products on the marketplace.

Hi Shawn,

you may inform your customer that all of the above products is came with proper logal registration / MOH registered. Below is the proof of info for you to show & convinced your customer. If u need the real actual photo, u may inform us.

For MAL code, u may use the below link to check:

NutraVita Marine Placenta Concentrate:

NutraVita Marine Placenta Serum:

Quest :
as attached the screenshot for your reference.

Therabio, Lucol-S, plantbio:
This is food classification, will update u on the food certification.

Popoq & Dr.Soonsak sanitizer
Already submitted to MOH, but yet to update in NPRA website.
Will send u the document after this.

PIC Thermometers:
Buyer can directly check with the medical device department on this. It is registered.


We believe this can give confidence to your potential buyer on the products that u sold.
As all of our products are 100% original and authentic.

PIC Thermometers:
Buyer can directly check with the medical device department on this. It is registered.

Please provide the link and We will download it ourselves. Buyer will choose NOT to buy if they have to do the homework. We are not the only thermometer available on Shopee

Therabio, Lucol-S, plantbio:
This is food classification, will update u on the food certification.
Please send this over ASAP

Dear Axis,

We have received repeating notification / reminder from Shopee on violation of our product listing with the following attachments.

Please read and get back to us as soon as possible. We may have to delist all supplements from Axis until this matter can be resolved.


Attachment # 2


Attachment #3


Hi Axis, Bryan,

Is there any solution to this matter?

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