Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000570]
Listed Products has been suspended by Marketplace SHOPEE due to Violation

Product Title: Hand sanitiser spray 50 ml] ECO Spring 50 ml Gel Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Moisturizer + High Protection Face Masks Shopee has suspended 1 of our listed product in the Marketplace due to serious violation. Please find the screenshot as attached below.


This is the listed product that been suspended by Shopee.

Other similar combo are under review.


What can you provide for us to reply / amend our listing in order for Shopee to remove the suspension?

Please read Shopee comments in the attachment above. We need the authorisation letters for the listing


At the moment no reseller is facing this issue when they use our bulk upload file to list this product.

As we noticed that you had changed your listing title. So you may edit back the listing title as per the screenshot below.

Also, I had attached the bulk upload file only for this listing for your convenience to upload again.


Where is the sceen shot?


Sorry for the inconvenient caused, As attached,



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