Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000578]
Ebay Account Suspended

user id:zhixuanent email: achong104@gmail.com On Oct-31-21 06:00, ebay sent message that my account is being suspended as they mentioned" Your account didn't follow our Counterfeit policy. Counterfeit items are not allowed." (Please see attached photo for more information. I have send this picture to Annice to contact Lei Jing for this issue. Moreover, as per conversation with Rade, rade asked me to open ticket so that everyone can know this issue. Please help to resolve issue. Thank you!


Attached Files are Invoice,Bank statement and photostat of passport

Hi Tang Zhe,

No attachment receive, may be due to file size too big.. You may put in in google drive and share the link here.

As spoken, kindly send us the following document:

1) SSM certificate (English Version)
2) Latest company bank statement
3) Owner PAsssport / Driving License / IC

We will send to Lei Jing and check with her on your account status.


After u had re

Attached Files are Invoice,Bank statement and photostat of passport

to make it easier, here is the link:


Already forward the document to Lei Jing and cc u in the loop.

Will remind Lei Jing again today.


Hi Tang Zhe,

Since your case have been solve in Whatapps, I'll close the case by Today ya.



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