Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000598]
Fund withdrawal from Amazon Canada via WorldFirst yet to receive in local account more than 1 month

Hi, This is to notify Axis that I've made 2 fund withdrawal requests of Canadian Dollar (CAD) from my WorldFirst since 5/Nov, and still yet to receive the fund until today, 7/Dec. Latest 7/Dec ~2:30pm : WorldFirst (WF) representative, Jingqin.Huang@worldfirst.com mentioned still pending feedback from WF's bank counterpart. Action needed on Axis : Pls escalate this issue (and other related issues on transferring foreign currency into MYR) to WF, understand what causes the dealys of transfer from CAD to MYR; and appreciate Axis actions to advise the reseller community on the best way forward, to ie change to Payoneer until WF had resolve the issue. Background 5/Nov - I requested for withdrawal of CAD 2,100/- to my local RHB bank account. (refer to the attached PDF) 16/Nov - escalated to WF as the payment yet to transfer to my local RHB bank account. WF asked to hold on while they investigate. 17/Nov - WF advised that there was a MT103 message from bank as proof of payment, but fund still not shown in my local bank account. 23/Nov - Based on the MT103 message, WF asked to check with the bank, but fund still not shown in my local bank account. 25/Nov - I received a "Payment Return Notification", said that the payment been returned, and deducted a bank charge of CAD 25.44 30/Nov - WF confirmed the fund was returned on 26th Nov, but return reasons not disclosed, and WF has reinstructed the payment to be paid out. but, now is CAD 2,074.56 (beneficiary bank deducted CAD 25.44 from initial CAD 2,100) 30/Nov - on the same day, another escalation been sent to Barry, and Barry directed jingqin (JQ) to follow-up 4/Dec - The fund still not shown in my local bank account. 6/Dec - When check again with WF, JQ mentioned they are still chasing their bank (Standard Charted) for feedback 7/Dec - WF still investigating.


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