Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000616]
Lazada order no. 317089841428120 - Customer Complaint on Parcel Received Conditions

Dear Axis, Our buyer for Lazada Order no. 317089841428120 has written to me complaining about the condition of their order’s parcel received. The buyer described where the items in the box was loose and not properly secured with bubble wraps at all. Furthermore, the fabric spray refill bottle was not properly tighten, hence fabric spray liquid spilled onto the box and other items. This is totally unacceptable to me. I believe all the items my buyer received are coated with fabric spray liquid when they received it. I can totally understand the buyer frustration. I don’t blame the buyer for the kind of feedback they gave me on this order. Axis pride herself as an experienced company (having more than 10 years in e-commerce business) NOT ABLE to properly pack a simple order package with liquid product (among other products) to my buyer. My buyer is now my ex-buyer, NOT returning after this encounter will spread bad remark on my store. My new Lazada store reputation will suffer as a result of this incident caused by Axis incompetence in handling the order fulfilment to my buyer. I am seeking an explanation from Axis on this incident and compensation to my buyer if my buyer wants to be compensated.. My question to Axis:: Does Axis even has a SOP for packing liquid products? Does Axis has any SOP about packing several products in a box, so that the product will be properly secured in place and not damaged when it gets to the buyer? Fill the gaps in the box with packing/wrapping material like bubble wraps. Does Axis practice any quality control ensuring all order parcel fulfilment are upto standard and this kind of incident do not happen ? I am deeply disappointed with Axis on this incident. P.s. I sell and do order fulfilment for liquid product on my own. I know how to properly pack liquid products for shipment to buyer.


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Hi Mr Shawn, since the issue have been solved. I will close the case in 18 hours start from now.



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