Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000066]
How to transfer my money from paypal?

Dear AXIS Team, I would like to trace my first sales payment from Shopee. Please advise how to trace and transfer the payment? Regards Sephine

Dear Sephine,

Firstly, just to be clear, Paypal is eBay's main payments provider, and not Shopee. May I understand further if you’re asking regarding eBay then, or Shopee?

Transfer money from Paypal to your bank account:
Please refer to the link as below, and if you require further clarification, do let us know 

Trace and Transfer payment from Shopee:
Login to your Shopee Seller Center> Click the box next to the bell button> My Income. Then you will be able to trace your payment.

Please refer to the attachment below for your reference.

Hope this clarifies and have a great weekend ahead!


Dear Sephine,

As per discussion, your issue has been solved. Kindly close this ticket. Our ticket will auto close in 24 hours.

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