Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000067]
How do I generate sales after loading more than 100 products in Lazada and Shopee?

Dear AXIS Team, I have listed up to 120 products in Lazada platform but I have yet to have first sales. Please guide me through on how to boost my sales? Thanks Regards Sephine

Dear Sephine,

As per discussed, we will have a team to review with you on your Lazada & Shopee account. Please be ready.

Date: 27/10/2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 11am


Dear AXIS Team/ Rade,

Just would like to explore can we have the above session on Wednesday or Thursday instead, preferable on Thurs.? Kindly advise?

This session will cover how to boost my sales, store decoration & etc. If possible, I would like to request for 45 mins. I will explore how to do store decoration prior to meeting.


Dear Sephine,

Regarding to the appointment, let's make it on 2 November 2020, 11am.

Dear Sephine,

As per discussion, your issue has been solved. Kindly close this ticket. Our ticket will auto close in 24 hours.

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