Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000077]
How do I share the product link to customers from my lazada and shopee app via phone?

Hi AXIS team, Please advise the above. Thanks Regards Sephine

Dear Sephine,

How to Share product link via Shopee :

1. Step 1: Go To “Me” Tab
2. Step 2: Click “My Shop” (upper left),
3. Step 3: Scroll down and you will be able to view all of your listed products. Click Share and copy the link

Dear Sephine,

How to share products link via Lazada :

Step 1: Open your Lazada Seller Center app
Step 2: Click on “Me” and copy shop link. Paste it in a new tab & open it. It will lead you to your product page/shop.
Step 3: Click on the products you select.
Step 4: Click Settings (3 Dots at upper right)
Step 5: Click Share & copy the link/ share to platform that available

Dear Sephine,
As per discussion, your issue has been solved. Kindly close this ticket. Our ticket will auto close in 24 hours.

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