Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000085]
TR132124 - Request to check Sanctum expiry date before ship it out

Buyer receive sanctum Cream Cleanser that is expired on 09/2020. As check in product information, the expiry date was 31/12/2020 and i have told the customer before he make the payment.Attach below are the conversation of me and the buyer regarding the expired date of the item,the picture that customer took on expired item.When buyer receive the item,he request for refund.Kindly help me check this issue.Thank you.


Dear Tang Zhe,

We're checking the issue an dwill get back to yo u soon.

May i know what the final conversation you and your consignee, buyer want resend or refund?

To Sandy,
buyer want to refund.Please make some relevant adjustment in the billing.Thank you.

The parcel will buyer return back to you, please request buyer return to Axis.

Please adjust the billing for TR132124 Sanctum Cream Cleanser


Hi Tang Zhe,

Thank you for connecting with the Axis Support Team.

We have observed this ticket has been well resolved, as a result, we require you to close this ticket. If the ticket did not close within 24-48 hours from the date of this ticket send out, the system will automatically close it on-behalf of you.

I hope that our service has been of assistance to you.

If you require further assistance now, or in the future please do not hesitate to file in a new ticket through the Axis system.
