Ticket System Ticket Details

Ticket Number [T000091]
Which eBay seller center app to install in phone?

Dear AXIS team, Which eBay seller center app to install in phone? Regards Trendzy

Dear Trendzy

Attachment below is the eBay seller center app to install in mobile phone. Kindly have a look at it.


Thanks for reply.

My case is slightly different because I have an existing eBay App installed in my phone as attached. How should I deal with my existing eBay app and install a new eBay seller centre account registered recently with AXIS?



Dear Sephine,

eBay Seller & Buyer account in mobile app is using & sharing the same app. When you open your eBay mobile app, you are a seller & buyer at the same time.

Open eBay app and you are able to see “Selling” at homepage.


I knew that. Perhaps you did not read my message. My earlier message cited that the eBay account in my phone is not the one I registered recently together with AXIS. that was previous time before I do my ebay biz and i did not utilise that for my Ebay biz. Fyi, I never have any transaction in that account also, just simply one or 2 times browsing.
Pls advise

Dear Sephine,

In this situation, kindly log out this sep-4799 account because you're going to use the eBay account that registered with Axis. Again, eBay seller & buyer is sharing the same application. Hence, after you log in to the eBay account that registered with Axis, you can start selling from there.

How do I close the sep4799 account?

Dear Sephine,

Log out sep4799 account will do.

Dear Sephine,

As per discussion, your issue has been solved. Kindly close this ticket. Our ticket will auto close in 24 hours.

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